The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92550 Message #1771445
Posted By: M.Ted
28-Jun-06 - 05:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pre Fix Dinner businesses
Subject: RE: BS: Pre Fix Dinner businesses
I can understand hiring someone to come in and cook--that is a very old concept--as to the cost, someone once pointed out to me that, no matter how much money you have, you can't buy more time in the day--so you pay others for what you don't have to do yourself. This is the way empires are built--
As to the playdate business, Jimmyt-yeah, unsupervised play is a thing of the past in a lot of places--when I was a kid, we played in the street, we knew everyone in our neighborhood, our back screen door was never locked, and and most of the moms in the neighborhood were home during the day--today, we live in a world of strangers and overnight delivery trucks--