The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92486   Message #1771752
Posted By: GUEST
29-Jun-06 - 01:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Forced helplessness
Subject: RE: BS: Forced helplessness

This guy Hawkins is interesting. A "forensic economist." I heard him interviewed. Talk about confusing. But he had a point that now, almost five years later, this stuff should've been sorted out.

Basically, lots of companies were going bankrupt, New York City was going bankrupt, Lloyds of London, etc. But by setting up a domino payoff scheme, the tragedy in NYC brought many companies back from financial ruin. Mostly through advance knowledge of the event (so people could sell shares of various stocks), and through insurance payoffs. Each firefighter had a 10 million dollar life insurance policy, for example, payable to their Union. So the commanders were told to keep cramming their grunts into the bldgs. The payoff saved the Union.

And Hawkins is right about this being complex but solvable. Hell, it was reported just weeks after 9-11 that the former employer of the # 3 man in the CIA...well, read it yourself.

Associated Press, 9/18/2001; San Francisco Chronicle, 9/19/2001] "To the embarrassment of investigators, it has also [learned] that the firm used to buy many of the 'put' options ... on United Airlines stock was headed until 1998 by 'Buzzy' Krongard, now executive director of the CIA." Krongard was chairman of Alex Brown Inc., which was bought by Deutsche Bank. "His last post before resigning to take his senior role in the CIA was to head Bankers Trust—Alex Brown's private client business, dealing with the accounts and investments of wealthy customers around the world."

Since then, Krongard has retired and said it would be bad if Osama bin Laden were caught, because someone worse might replace him. What a guy.