The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92467   Message #1771773
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
29-Jun-06 - 03:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' parents?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' parents?
Don, thanks for taking the time anyway. I must say I always find it odd that people seem to find plenty of time for posting scurrilous accusations but when asked to justify them they suddenly seem to get a 'real life':-) I guess that is just the way of the 'un'real world...

Anyhow. I accept what you say. Plenty of kids do get picked on for plenty of reasons. I was picked on because I had a Polish name in a 1950s suburban school. My parents changed our name to stop it. I know full well what I am saying is unfair as well but so is the world. I am as sure as I can be of anything that in some years time the situation will be better but until it is all I request is that consideration is given to the point I make. Why make things harder for kids than they already are? I think we will just have to agree to differ on this one. OK?

As to you Ms Lilyfester. You start of by saying you know that the post is not addressed to you. But you go ahead and answer it anyway. You then repeat your accusation of my being a bigot and compound that by suggesting I am now trying to 'save face'. You finish of by saying you don't want to be rude. Well, if that is you not being rude I would not like to hear you when you are. Or does 'rude' have a different meaning in the USA?

I will repeat once more. I am not biggoted. I am not anti-gay. I am anti-nothing but ignorance. You say I am trying to save face. May I ask for whom I am trying to look good? You possibly? Why would I do that? I do not know you. I do not know anyone who has posted on this thread personaly at all. Why on earth do you think I would try to save face with people that I do not know? Perhaps in the world of Social Services these things are important. Please let me assure you that to me they are not.

If you keep up these unfounded personal attacks on me I am afraid the thread may be closed and all the good arguments, both for and against, will be lost.
