The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1771894
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
29-Jun-06 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Hey, Elmer:

Your story reminds me of a close encounter that I had with D.C. comics. When I did my second album for Folk Legacy, we did a split photo cover of me in a suit, carrying an attache case stepping in to a phone booth, and standing on the other side of the booth with jeans, a flannel shirt and holding a guitar. The Title of the Album is "The Secret Life Of Jerry Rasmussen" (recently released on CD.) When my sons were young, they were very much into collecting comic books, and I collected some older ones myself, just to share the time with them. I have an old Superman comic and the cover is a photo of Superman sweating bullets, while changing in a phone booth (he'd get arrest for indecent exposure these days) with a shadowy figure in the corner of the drawing. The caption was "Who is the one man Superman is afraid of?" I thought it would be a great image on the booklet that Folk Legacy used to do with their albums and requested using it. I got a chilly, almost threatening letter back from DC denying approval, saying that "Here at DC, we are very protective of Superman." Wadda wimp! It wasn't like I was going to include a free piece of Kryptonite in each album.

I remember In The Fuhrer's Face well. Sheesh!!!!!!! Donald is hardly P.C. He's got the most explosive temper of any cartoon character, which was the funniest thing about him.

I bet Donald could beat the crap outta that wimp Superman!
