The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92550 Message #1771968
Posted By: Scoville
29-Jun-06 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pre Fix Dinner businesses
Subject: RE: BS: Pre Fix Dinner businesses
Bizarre. How is stopping by a dinner studio to assemble your meal less time-consuming than just doing it in your own kitchen in the first place? And is there really anyone in modern America that doesn't drive by three + grocery stores on the way home from work, at any one of which I could easily stop and pick up some chicken and spinach?
There was a place near me for awhile that sold pre-made, ready-to-bake casseroles, which I thought was really bizarre considering the whole point of a casserole is that you dump a bunch of stuff in a deep dish and bake it.
Whatever happened to the crock-pot? I seem to remember my mother used hers a lot when we were kids and she was squeezed for time (hers was 1970's dark orange . . . ).