The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92486   Message #1771974
Posted By: Grab
29-Jun-06 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Forced helplessness
Subject: RE: BS: Forced helplessness
So who do I believe? The ones who have just started lying to me or the ones who have been lying to me all along?

John, I don't believe *anyone* who I can prove beyond my doubt is lying to me, especially if the "sources" they're using to "prove" their lies can be read by anyone and easily shown to be utter bullshit.

I don't know how much the US government has lied, but I *do* know for sure that these people are lying to me. Whether Guest has an ulterior motive, or whether he/she has been taken in by their lies, I don't know. But as I said above, it's very easy to prove some of their claims wrong, and as Sinsull said, there are various other sites around the web that are doing a good job of debunking that "truth".

We're also starting to get to ridiculous levels with the number of people complicit in this. All the cabinet and all their aides, and all high-rank officers in the Army and all their aides, goes without saying - that's going to be maybe 400 people. Then there's the state police in PA who picked up the pieces of flight 93 - 400 people. Then there's the coroner and the various DNA sampling labs who established that the bits of flesh and bone came from the flight 93 passengers - maybe another 100. Then there's the army/FBI/CIA groups who planted the bombs - it's going to take several groups, so let's say 100. Then there's every soldier on guard at the Pentagon at that time - say 100. And all the people working in that area of the Pentagon on that day, and all the people who say they extracted plane remnants from the Pentagon - another 200, say. And however many people it took to hold and then murder the passengers on flight 93 - maybe another 100. And all the fire brigade commanders, and all the upper leadership of the firefighters' union - another 100. And then all the companies you claim were involved - at least another 500 by the time you've counted all of the companies up.

I'm sorry, but once a conspiracy theory requires well over 2000 active participants, a majority of whom are average soldiers, policemen, firefighters and bankers/accountants, then we're well into the realms of fantasy.

Remember what they say. "They all laughed at Christopher Columbus. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown". Go figure which category I think you're in.
