The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92486   Message #1772142
Posted By: GUEST
29-Jun-06 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Forced helplessness
Subject: RE: BS: Forced helplessness
Television has blinded Americans to the obvious. 19 incompetent flyers did not shut down NORAD and meticulously guide those huge planes to their targets spot-on. That's just common sense. The govt's explanation isn't logical or even possible. The falling towers didn't violate the laws of Newtonian physics. Nothing can violate those laws.   

So if the govt's explanation of events is impossible, then what really happened? It astounds me that so many Americans don't want to know the truth. I guess you non-questioners feel you have too much tied up in the system to ask questions that may lead to the collapse of the system.

On 9-11, Fox News was screaming at you 30 minutes after the second plane hit that it was 1) Ossama bin Laden and 2) he is in Afghanistan. Then they said faulty intelligence led to the "breakdown in communication..." blah blah blah. But if our intelligence was so bad, how could Fox news give us who and where half an hour after the event? I mean, Americans have been blinded to some pretty obvious non sequiters.

Fox is a govt mouthpiece, and it and the other TV networks have led you by the nose through the acceptance of the constitution-killing PATRIOT Act, two illegal wars, MORE constitution-killing legislation, a whole boat-load of legislation intended to surveil you, another boat load intended to destroy families and small govt units...all because you buy the obvious lie that The Cavemen of Tora Bora aimed their flintlocks at New York and the towers fell. What garbage.

Anyway, you old geezers reading this better be worried. The forensic economist I mentioned above (Hawkins) said in the interview I listened to that pension funds are going to be the next big target of the federal govt. Private pension funds. The Bush crime family is going to steal those the same way they stole the S&L money (Neil Bush and S&L...look it up). Hawkins said the govt will tie some local pension fund to "investing" its funds in "al Qaida" or some other terrorist organization, and freeze the funds. So, the people depending on that fund for monthly checks will go without. The case will languish for a year in a federal court, just to set a precedent, then the really big funds will be targeted. Eventually the federal govt will turn on itself and cannibalize its own retirement system in the same way...freeze it for investing in terrorist-related groups. By then all the "homeless" will be in "relocation centers" praising the govt for providing a roof and a job (slave labor). Pretty slick, huh?

So you fence-sitters better ask if you really believe 19 men with box cutters did the deed as the govt has told you. There's more riding on exposing 9-11 than you may have realized.