The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92467   Message #1772218
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
29-Jun-06 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' parents?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' parents?
I agreed with the bits I understood, Barry:-) I don't think anyone has blamed the victims so far. Give the good old cat box another few days and I am sure it will come though!

Michelle, Don and everyone else. I somehow managed to twist the argument so it was about me and my feelings. I was never hurt by being called names. Especialy when they are undeserved. But when I am pushed I do, all to often, push back. In this case the issue is far more important than that and I apologise to everyone working towards protecting our children for derailing the thread somewhat.

I do not think it is homophobic or bigoted to use the sensationalist headline that was used. I think it is just human nature which, like mine unfortunately, is far from perfect. Neither me nor my views are more important than anyone else or anyone elses views. Nor are they less important. What is more important that all our petty squabbles and politcal wranglings is the future of our children.

Please accept my apologies for any offence or upset I have caused anyone. I am not fishing for apologies myself either. I am neither hurt nor offended by the unjust accusations. They are as much your human nature as my defensiveness was mine.

Lets turn this about and make sure that the sensationalist headlines do eventualy stop. Not because they are forced to or because we shout them down. But because they no longer sell papers. Or get people to open threads?

Good luck ,best wishes and cheers to you all.
