The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92486   Message #1772409
Posted By: GUEST
29-Jun-06 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Forced helplessness
Subject: RE: BS: Forced helplessness
I don't know where you live Graham, but in the U.S. we were actually shown images of bearded men in long robes with flintlocks, standing at the mouths of the caves of Tora Bora, Afghanistan. That is the footage the networks ran. And they told us the men pictured on the screen were Taliban/al Qaida, the people responsible for bringing down the twin towers. Men with flitlock muskets.

Of course, now we know thermate was used to cut the steel at the twin towers. Heck of a lot more sophisticated than flintlocks.

Watch some of the free streaming videos. GWBush told us we were in imminent peril, yet he stalled for 411 days before naming the war criminal Henry Kissinger to head an "investigation." Bush is for open borders, but the first thing you do in a "war" is close your borders. He's demonstrated by action alone we're not in peril. The whole "war" is bogus. He said before he took office he was going to be a war president because no one can question a president domestically during time of war. That's in his authorized biography.

The whole 911 thing was intended to traumatize and stupefy. It's worked. Until now. Isaac Newton wins. The WTC bldgs were blown. And that jetliner wouldn't have left a mere 16-foot hole in the Pentagon (actual size of the hole, recorded on film, before the wall above it collapsed). There is soooooo much evidence.

And it sounds like you've been following this topic for a while CarolC. Good for you. Isn't it amazing how people don't want to know the truth?