The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92490   Message #1772472
Posted By: GUEST,zulu
30-Jun-06 - 02:22 AM
Thread Name: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
How can i consentrate on work tonight when all this is going on.Not just the amazing Edwina that i will miss.A new tune by those Wild Women that will shake the MRFC foundations.The momento given to someone i know by The Wild ones,is getting an airing.Plus all the other performers i have not seen before.Makes a bloke want to shout something in Slovenian.Oh,did i not mention i was going there soon to check out their folk roots for Big Les,(all expenses payed of course.)
Anyway you lucky peeps,good luck and watch out for Edwina singing a Helian Keys song.