The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92486   Message #1772711
Posted By: GUEST
30-Jun-06 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Forced helplessness
Subject: RE: BS: Forced helplessness
Well, Europe is a good case in point for the effectiveness of terrorism. You folks used to have free speech, individual constitutions, etc., but then you woke up one day and were told you now live under a union. The EU. And it was incremental. A response to terrorism here, one there, and suddenly the drachma is gone and you have a Euro Dollar. Oh, and by the way you can no longer deny the holocaust happened or you'll go to prison. Thanks to national govts giving up sovereignty a bit at a time, so their peoples could be protected from terrorist groups. What hogwash. The govts created the terrorist events. A good recent example is the Madrid bombings. That old satanist king Juan Carlos thought he could get away with one more act of barbarity against HIS OWN PEOPLE, but the Spanish saw through it. They knew it was govt-sponsored terrorism on the eve of an election and voted the parties responsible out of office. Beautiful.

And if you need more evidence of thermate being used (the published-for-peer-review paper of a university professor isn't good enough), then why don't you need more evidence that 19 boxcutters led to all that death and destruction? Why do you take the word of a secretive, foot-dragging govt investigative commission composed of proven criminals?

Denial is a tool to preserve sanity, they say, but I wonder. Psychiatry seems to justify a lot that's unjustifiable. Denial seems to BE insanity.