The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92486   Message #1772850
Posted By: Wesley S
30-Jun-06 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Forced helplessness
Subject: RE: BS: Forced helplessness
Sorry - Call me a sheep then - but as bad as this administration is I don't think they could have pulled this off. But then again I also think that Jim Morrison is dead, Oswald acted alone and that we really did land on the moon. And that the earth is round and that Bigfoot doesn't exist.

Conspiracy theories are usually just that - theories.

Guest - are you concerned that this thread exposes you to the government and gives them a way to track you down? Do you expect any retaliation for your efforts? What worries do you have about exposure?

I also believe in free speech and applaud you for your efforts.