The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92486   Message #1773184
Posted By: GUEST
30-Jun-06 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Forced helplessness
Subject: RE: BS: Forced helplessness

Yes. The global elite are setting this up for their grandkids. For example, they will inherit the giant U.S. toll road system mentioned in the article above. Completely illegal, yet the gangsters in charge of the govt are going to do it anyway.

The article above talks about how Americans will now be charged tolls to drive on roads we built with our tax money, and that money will go to private organizations and individuals. That's illegal.

This was why the people in charge of the federal govt carried out get Americans fixated on non-extent "terrorists" so crap like this can be pulled out of the hat.

Aren't you Americans mad yet? I mean, LOOK at this article, and then consider how congress is now fast-tracking Line-Item veto for the President. They did that just a few years ago and it was shot down by the Supreme Court because it violates the separation of powers (Congress holds the purse strings, not the President), but now that a single party has seized the all 3 branches of govt, and Americans have been cowed, they're going to give GWBush the power to just scratch through bits of legislation he doesn't want to fund.

That's a dictatorship, folks. You can keep quiet about it if you want, but your kids will die in forced labor camps if you don't do something. Now.