The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92641   Message #1773441
Posted By: MBSLynne
01-Jul-06 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: I CAN SEE AGAIN!
I've actually been trying to bring my kids up all their lives to listen to their own bodies and KNOW them. Most people don't really know themselves at all. If you do tune into yourself properly, you can catch all sorts of problems very early on because you spot the very first signs of change or difference. Some of these might only be small or irritating problems, others can be serious.

I also tell thaem that if you find you really want some particular thing to eat (and that doesn't include sweets!) then you should have it because your body is probably telling you you need it. I was vegetarian at one point, and I used to get cravings for fish, so I gave in and started eating fish again, because a craving like that is there for a reason.

Good news Deckman, I'm really pleased it worked out so well

Love Lynne