The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92621   Message #1773461
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
01-Jul-06 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: The Wisdom of Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens
Subject: RE: The Wisdom of Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens
Actually, in the drippy hippy Greek's defence, all he said was 'Islamic law states . . . blah blah blah . . . ' Though it might have been a Good Thing had he also added that he didn't actually think fellow drippy hippy (at the time) Rushdie should be murdered, however tedious Satanic Verses is. What surprised me most was that Alan Yentob should have wasted so much time on making such a dreary film aimed seemingly at advertising an elite, exclusive, sectarian school in Brondesbury Park (a posh, predominantly Jewish, area of North London). A prima facie case for separation of church (allied to whichever deity of choice) and state, if ever there was one.