The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92643   Message #1773672
Posted By: GUEST,Desdemona
01-Jul-06 - 03:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Tavern & Barbeque Summer '06
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Tavern & Barbeque Summer '06
I *don't* especially like the taste of meat, which is why when I think I'm craving a "burger", I generally wind up with the veggie variety, because what I'm actually craving is the combination of condiments, lettuce, tomato, etc on a nice toasty bun!

An important exception to my "take it or leave it" attitude towr=ards meat occurs on my annual visits to my family in England, where myself and my children all become devout eaters of sausages (and yes, the Cumberland sausages are something to write home about, no condiments need apply!)...I'll be there in less than a week, and am already getting excited about the real ales, the sausages, the old friends, the morris dancing, and even a little about the medieval conference at which I'm giving a paper (although that comes considerably further down the list than the real ales...)!
