The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92329   Message #1773724
Posted By: GUEST
01-Jul-06 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: Recordings of Gypsies
Subject: RE: Recordings of Gypsies
Jim Carroll writes: "The Travellers lifestyle is not a matter of choice, it is a circumstance of birth"

Of course it is a choice. Yes, of course, everyone is born somewhere but it doesn't mean they have to stay there - or, indeed, can stay there. We're back to pickling again. I make no apology for calling you a romantic. Nobody is talking about "forcibly ending Travelling life" - just suggesting that times change, circumstances alter and, like everyone else, those born into travelling communities need to take account of that. In needing to respond to change they are absolutely equal with the rest of us - but I admire your huffing and puffing in a splendid display of victimhood-by-proxy.