The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92666   Message #1773888
Posted By: gnomad
02-Jul-06 - 03:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: qu. for middle aged men ???
Subject: RE: BS: qu. for middle aged men ???
Age 52, yes, they're still a problem [never found the right one at the right time, see] but I can watch the film or go out as there has never been a Mrs Gnomad. Lucky that as there's no upstairs here either.

Rather go out and have a bit of music than most of the stuff on TV.

As for going out shagging it and trying to club young girls, well I was crap at it in younger days, I don't suppose I'd be any better now. I think they would see me coming ;-)

Wondered if the title meant queue for, wasn't sure whether it was a queue I needed to join, or one for those who might want me. Quite a relief that it was neither.