The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91369   Message #1773918
Posted By: The Shambles
02-Jul-06 - 05:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Football World Cup 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Football World Cup 2006
The formations chosen by the England manager were largely irelevant. As good (or great) players with the will and belief to win, should always be able to lift their performance above any such imposed limitations.

But apart from those forced by injury - the strange formations were chosen largely to try to accomodate what the press told us were two of England's world class players. And had any manager left out Lampard or Gerard (and to a lesser extent Beckham) the press would have howled.

Lampard looked knackered and Gerrard looked nothing like world class. The fact that they were both thought too good to replace - does tend to suggest where the main problem lies. An unfit Beckham at least made a contribution but the England midfield (even with the fine efforts of the much criticised Hargreaves) did not work.   

It seemed that it was either Carrick or Hargreaves - who both played well when they had the chance, but the thought of replacing Lampard and Gerard with them both was not an option. Whatever the formation - the team selected to play should be made from the best players who are playing well and doing what is asked of them. A description that could not be applied to either Lampard or Gerard, who perhaps should not have been selected until this description did fit?