The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47148   Message #1774118
Posted By: Andy Jackson
02-Jul-06 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: eena meena mackeracka (children's rhymes)
Subject: RE: eena meena mackeracka (children's rhymes)
We had a version as kids which I remember went:

ennie meanie makaraka rare oh
halapackaa doodiaka
him pim flash

At the time we put it down to our Mum being Irish!

And as for that mystical N word.... my elder brother along with many others I'm sure, had a dog (a very dark shade of grey)called Nigger (aren't I brave I typed the whole word.
Come on get a grip here, life changes, things and words which are offensive now had no significance years ago and vice versa.
Vive la change but never lose respect for your fellow man!!!!!
