The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91369   Message #1774219
Posted By: captainbirdseye
02-Jul-06 - 04:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Football World Cup 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Football World Cup 2006
Iam pleased england were defeated,if they had won the world cup everybody would have been saying they were as good as the 1966 team,the      current manager was inept overpaid and incompetent.the 1966 England team had a manager that knew what he was doing and a side that was better at keeping possession of the ball,plus Gordon Banks,at that time the best goalkeeper in theworld.If England had won the 2006 world cup,it would have been a travesty,as they havent learned how to pass accurately, consistently, and how to keep possession of the ball.CaptainBirdseye