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Thread #92618   Message #1774275
Posted By: robomatic
02-Jul-06 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
We have much more reason to expect that it is Israel who is lying in this case rather than the Palestinians. And the other cases that I "lumped" together with this one support my contention. That is why I mentioned them in the last post, but not in the previous one. They are in support of my contention that it is most likely the government of Israel that is lying, but not in support of my previous point, which is why I didn't use them previously.

So in other words, you will utilize only factoids that support your contention at any one time, and you will not hesitate to pull in any other factoids (interpreted by those who are biased in the same way as yourself) to support your contention, whatever that may be. In this case you are using your own bias as 'evidence'!

A convenient excuse, but if you look at the timing of the attacks against the background of the peace initiatives that are in play at the time, there is a very clear pattern of the government of Israel using violence against Palestinians as a way to sabotage any peaceful solution to the problem of Israel's occupation and/or blockade of Palestinian territory.

The timing you wish to blame on the Israelis can be blamed just as equally on the Hamas faction which does not wish to be caught in a compromising situation, and has used terror in the past in exactly that manner. Leave us not forget that Abu Abbas was holding the Hamas government's feet to the fire in order to have them adopt the existing Fatah position on the recognition of Israel. This state of affairs suits Hamas most of all.

What a ridiculous thing to say. Where the hell are they going to live? They are living in the area that they have available to them. They belong there. Israel does not have any business concerning themselves with where these people live. If Israel wants to end the violence that is being directed against it by others, all it needs to do is end its far more numerous and far more devastating acts of aggression against others.

You are continuing the broadbrush. If by 'they' you mean terrorists, you are simply utilizing the point I made, that 'they' are making victims of the non-terrorists they live amongst, but you are holding it not against the terrorists, but against the Israelis. That's like defending the wife beater who blames his wife for making him angry. "He beat her in her own kitchen, but where else was he going to live?"

Hardly. The patterns quite evident. They don't require me to point them out. My motivation is the promotion of human rights for eveyone.

Quite laudable. Now if you can only include the legitimate rights of the bulk of Israelis and Palestinians who seek a peaceful solution within your purview....

The motivation of the government of Israel, and apparently your motivation as well, is to clear all of the Palestinians off of the tiny bit of land they have remaining to them.

There y'go again. At least you said 'apparently'. My reference to the "Jewish occupation of Arab lands" drawing above was precisely to remind you who is occupying a tiny bit of land remaining to them, and it has just got smaller as the Israelis formally vacated the Gaza territory.