The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92666   Message #1774370
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Jul-06 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: qu. for middle aged men ???
Subject: RE: BS: qu. for middle aged men ???
50? Hell, that was SEVEN years ago!

Okay, back to the question: are women still a problem?

Yes and no. They're not as frequent a problem. They have receded considerably in overall importance and urgency, in terms of romance. There's still some attendant risk of "falling in love" with one now and then, but it's a far less acute risk than it used to be. When it does happen, however, it's as bad as it ever was, meaning it's the worst f**king problem short of a really nasty terminal illness.

So, yes, I would have to say that women ARE still a problem to some extent.

Other problems are mostly linked to the gradual decline in energy, physical flexibility, and the old "been there, done that, the thrill is gone" syndrome.

If I could snap my fingers (presto!) and have a 25 year old body again...ha! I would do it without hesitation.

Daylia - That thing with the shampoo bottle has probably happened to a great many men. I betcha! ;-) Curiosity is a terrible thing. I heard about one guy who had a nasty incident with a hose type vacuum cleaner! You don't want to hear the gory details. Then there are knotholes in tree trunks...never forget that there may be a squirrel inside there, and she may resent the sudden intrusion upon her peaceful residence and react accordingly. Then there are knotholes in fences...and the vicious dog on the other side! So many perils in this life for the unwary...