The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92685   Message #1774524
Posted By: GUEST,Large Taws
03-Jul-06 - 04:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Fighting Irish
Subject: RE: BS: The Fighting Irish
The Brits needed more 'cannon-fodder' in France, where they were under attack from a German offensive.   Lloyd George ( British Prime Minister ) looked at Ireland and wanted conscription on the books he knew a ' sweetener ' such as 'Home Rule' after the war would assist his endeavours.

The British offer of 'Home Rule' was nothing of the sort a reading of the 'small print' (ie the hidden "terms and conditions") of the ' Home Rule 'Bill exposed it for the fraudulent offer it was. Lloyd George was willing to offer only local government powers , under the British Crown , to Ireland , with only a small , if any , ' suggestative ' input into issues of law , education and finance . Westminster would still have the final word and British troops would still be on the ground . Irishmen were fooled by the British, they enlisted in answer to British lies.

The youngest casualty of the First World War had not yet reached his 14th birthday when he was killed on the fields of Flanders in Southern Belgium. John Condon came from Waterford City.