The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92685   Message #1774531
Posted By: The Walrus
03-Jul-06 - 04:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Fighting Irish
Subject: RE: BS: The Fighting Irish
GUEST,Large Taws,

You conveniently forget to mention that the promise of Home Rule was made in 1914, a full TWO YEARS before the Somme and under the administration of ASQUITH and two years before conscription was introduced in England, Scotland and Wales (it was NEVER introduced in Ireland).

The youth of Ireland was as caught up in the early war euphoria as those of the other parts of the 'Three Kingdoms' and, while Hunger and Unemployment were traditional recruiting serjeants, (and this was as true in Yorkshire or Perth as it was in Donegal) it was the War which boosted recruitment.

It was Asquith's promise of Home Rule at the end of the War which led John Redmond to offer the National Volunteers to the Government to speed victory, the offer of the NVs led Carson to offer the UVF.