The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92045   Message #1774575
Posted By: GUEST
03-Jul-06 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: Priddy Folk Festival (UK)
Subject: RE: Priddy Folk Festival (UK)
The campsite is within walking distance of the festival site and with the usual offices in the sports clubhouse. There's often a walk organised by the local archeological society on the Saturday: last year it was down, up, down and up again both sides of the Ebbw Gorge; a good idea if you get folked-out sometimes. If you drive there - and public transport isn't easy (minimal buses from Bristol Temple Meads), Cheddar Gorge is about five miles away and very much worthwhile a visit.

Quite a lot of local people go there so there's a good interesting mix.

Fee x