The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92643   Message #1774836
Posted By: MMario
03-Jul-06 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Tavern & Barbeque Summer '06
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Tavern & Barbeque Summer '06
I've become slower at the time travel over the years, Dave. In my younger days I would do the round trip daily - now I head downtime on Friday evenings and barely make it back uptime Sunday night.

It helps if you have ever worked for a library; but If I mention much more then that I'll have the Idaho Legion (Library Enforcement Division) after me; they made me swear an oath in library paste not to reveal the secrets of L-space.

The Doctor and I haven't been on speaking terms since he claimed it was one of my cigarette butts that started the Great Fire of London. He totally ignored the fact that the butt in question was a non-filtered and I smoke menthols with filters! The man can't stand to be wrong!