The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92685   Message #1775401
Posted By: GUEST,Dáithí
04-Jul-06 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Fighting Irish
Subject: RE: BS: The Fighting Irish
You're right Keith. My father, a Mayo man, joined th British army to fight the Nazis. He knew what would happen to Ireland if Hitler won - even if the Irish government didn't!

(A story I heard years ago - two old fella's discussing the war in 1940 over a pint in a Dublin pub:

"We should   be staying out of this, Pat - it's England's war not ours!"

"Easy to say Mick - but what would you do if Hitler's navy sailed up the Liffey tomorrow?"

"Don't be ridiculous - Mr Churchill would never allow that!" )

No simple answers, hey?
Slán - Dáithí