The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92685   Message #1775464
Posted By: GUEST,Mayo Mick
04-Jul-06 - 07:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Fighting Irish
Subject: RE: BS: The Fighting Irish
What I find so intresting, and this cannot be denied, is that in all of the recent polls in the Irish papers each and everyone had a majority in favour of Irish unity.
The Irish Republic has one of the highest standards of living in the world, I was told for many years by my northern friends that the southern politicans hadn`t the brains to run a country, I haven`t been hearing of late, the same old cry from the Ulster Unionists.

The Irish Republic to-day can stand rock solid on it`s own, unlike Northern Ireland which continues to be more interested in disturbing their neighbours by marching behind secterian bands, the bread and butter issuses are seldom if ever mentioned, if they had thrown of the shackles of and joined their fellow Irish in the Republic they would have been much better off.