The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92691   Message #1776018
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
04-Jul-06 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: The fRoots Messageboard...Do you post?
Subject: RE: The fRoots Messageboard...Do you post?
Nope....the personal conflict wasn't started by me MacKenzie. Take a look above and see.

There IS no hidden agenda either. I've not once 'attacked' Ian or his board...just kept right on track....with a few diversions to wallop people who seem to think that they have a right to be downright rude, whilst I have none whatsoever to respond.

I've recently fallen into a whole vast space of world music. Ian A. and I actually agree about Myspace as well. He's not daft or driven by 'hidden agendas' about Myspace...he sees the value of it all, and I think, he's doing two articles shortly about artists that he's 'fallen over' in Myspace.

I really do think it's a shame that his board isn't being used for the much broader discussion, particularly with the discovery of Myspace and the music it's 'letting loose' into the world.

If you don't believe me how quiet it is, then take a look for yourself! And if you're happy to have a whole board go to waste well...there's zilch I can do to change your mind is there!! carry on spinning and twisting MacKenzie. That's what you're best at it would seem. Since I've been on Mudcat you've not said one decent thing to me, hence the new nickname I gave you the other day. I'll leave you to moan on....but, as I say, take a look back and count the Moaning Minnie posts from all the usual suspects....round and round they go...wherever I go....

Are you sure I don't 'know' you from the 'hoodies' on the R2 board as well MacKenzie?

And now...back..yet again (sigh) to fRoots!

Blimey! If Ian Anderson were paying me for every time I've mentioned his board, I'd probably be a millionaire by now! ;0)