The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92691   Message #1776821
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
05-Jul-06 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: The fRoots Messageboard...Do you post?
Subject: RE: The fRoots Messageboard...Do you post?

If you'll excuse me, I think you'll find that, so far, I'm about the ONLY person who *has* put links into world music and spoken about wanting Ian's board to be busier and that more and more musicians can be spoken about.

With respect, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell me what I can or can't, should or shouldn't be doing. I'm a free person, this is an open messageboard and many of the people on here have been trying to 'control' me for a very long time. I'm not having any of it....

Therefore, I'd be most grateful if you would direct your advice about world music to them and not to me. Perhaps you would also like to tell them to leave this thread to those who are interested in it, rather than using it for a personal 'bashing' thread, as they do with so many others.

Many thanks.
