The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82575   Message #1777176
Posted By: Girl Friday
05-Jul-06 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: Tone Deaf Leopard (note spelling)
Subject: RE: Tone Def Leppard
Keep it up you lot, even bad publicity is good publicity. I don't see why Trevor and I should have to defend ourselves, especially as we have a lawyer sticking up for us! We do what we do and if you don't like it Mr Boggled, you are no miss to any of the clubs at which we are welcome! We do what we do and it works for us. Anyhow, who says anything HAS to be played in strict tempo? We set out to make people laugh, and they do plenty of that. It's not easy to win over audiences at top folk clubs, but they love us at Dartford. Everywhere else we play are small, friendly clubs where the audiences are very open minded. We never proffessed to possess any great musical skill, we just set out to entertain. IT SEEMS TO WORK!!!