The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12294   Message #1778094
Posted By: GUEST
07-Jul-06 - 07:14 AM
Thread Name: Origin: The Old Triangle
Subject: RE: Origins: 'The Old Triangle' Song
"he always sounds a bit of a rum character from stories. Donleavy tells this tale about Behan coming to see him in London, with a story about an American magazine that wants him to write something, so can he borrow JPD's typewriter?

Donleavy says no, you just want to pawn it to go boozing. Behan cheerfully admits that is indeed the case, and they sit down together friendly as puppies."

My favourite story is about when The Hostage was about to be premiered on Broadway. During rehearsal, Behan asked the director if he could make a sign for the set (the play is set in a whorehouse) which would say "bless this house" in Irish. He explained to the director that every house in Ireland would have one of these on the wall, even a house of ill repute, so the director agreed to this nice little touch of authenticity.

It wasn't till several weeks into the run that the director found out what "Pog mo thoin" actually meant. And he was furious.

Back OT: I've seen the Old Triangle at Kilmainham gaol as well, and was strangely moved...