The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47051   Message #1778280
Posted By: Scoville
07-Jul-06 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: What's 'Scrapple'?????
Subject: RE: What's 'Scrapple'?????
One of our f/Friends used to bring it to Christmas breakfast at meeting and there was a lot of very unQuakerly elbowing and shoving to get to it.

I know better than to eat it often but I do when I can get it. Somebody mentioned Mexican chorizo, which sounds like a good idea for a variation . . .

I don't know how everyone's bitching about grits. There's nothing offensive about grits (except when people get snotty and call them "polenta"). Little bit of salt, little bit of pepper, maybe some garlic and shredded sharp cheese, or an egg on top. Good stuff. It amazes me that Midwesterners, for all they surround themselves with corn, can't make a decent bowl of grits.