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Thread #91476   Message #1778574
Posted By: JohnInKansas
07-Jul-06 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: Tech: WinXP New Deal
Subject: RE: Tech: WinXP New Deal
Dale - addendum

I just received a newsletter that says that Microsoft has released (June 26) a new version of the Windows validation utility that "reduces" the frequency for the call-home thing. For a while, the program would attempt to connect every time you rebooted. (I probably didn't notice since I seldom reboot more than monthly, although the "every boot" call may be only for those who haven't confirmed good.) The new version reduces the frequency, but doesn't eliminate it entirely. They still promise to nag you frequently until you do the full confirmation thing.

You should get the new version soon, if you haven't already. Since they claim to have rewritten the EULA to "clarify" what the utility does, you may be asked to agree with the EULA before the new version installs.

On the down side, a new worm has been found that imitates notices from or about the validation program to install malware that could disable your firewall, rip off info from your computer, and/or use your computer for SPAM or DDOS attacks. Reported incidents seem to originate mostly with AOL "instant messages" (usually disguised as being forwarded by "a buddy") claiming to be about the validation program but actually installing malware if you click on anything in the message.
