The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1778581
Posted By: Bobert
07-Jul-06 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
The Bush administration cut funds for FEMA, slashed the money for the levees system at only 20% of what the Army Cerps of Engineers said was needed just to maintain the system... That 'bout sums it up...

Oh yeah, before you go on about how Bush increased the funding for FEMA to $6.6B, bottom line, the dough got siphened off for DHS and the Iraq War...

As for evacultion, GUEST, this was the hand that was delt Bush after 9/11... Instead of cutting brush back in Texas or taking more time away from the White House in the history of the presidency going back well over 200 years, he ***should*** have had his nose to the grinsdstone... That's what great, or even good, leaders do... But no, Bush went ahead partying and cutting brush hoping that nuthin' would happen to expose his weeknesses...

Then Katrina!!!

Hey, GUEST, you seem to be a fairly intellegent feller 'er felleress, so let me ask you a simple question... Had the terrorists hit New Orleans with a bomb that blew up the the Lake Pocigtraine dam, or some other similar terrorist event in New Orleans, do you really think that Bush had the safety of the American people covered???

Well, heck no he didn't because, as the CEO of the US he has put politics and vactioning ahead of anything else.. Might of fact, other than near bankrupting the country with his ill thought out tax cuts to his rich friends, the man ain't done jack...

Katrina has shown this so vividly...
