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Thread #92618   Message #1778958
Posted By: CarolC
08-Jul-06 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
CarolC, like Arafat, like Hamas, like the former supporters of pan arabic nationalism, do not see the "Palestinians" as people. They view them as a convenient club to beat about as long as it serves the purpose of aiding the destruction of Israel and embarassing the United States of America and the West.

Hamas see the Palestinians as people. Arafat and the former supporters of pan Arabic nationalism... I have no idea whether or not they saw Palestinians as people. Your wording is confusing, but it looks like you might be saying that I don't see Palestinians as people. If so, that's an interesting rhetorical device, but it has no basis in any objective reality. People who believe in equal rights for everyone are recognising the humanity and "peopleness" of everyone. People who think that certain groups of people are entitled to fewer rights than others (like you, Teribus) do not see the groups they discriminate against as people.

In Gaza, since Israel withdrew what have those whose responsibility it is to look after the "Palestinian" population's best interests and needs done for those people? Built roads? hospitals? schools? Initiated any major Government/Local Authority infrastructure projects that would create employment? Please tell us about them.

Yes, all of those things... they built roads, hospitals, schools, and all of the other kinds of civil infrastructure that are needed to carry on the business of building a country. Israel has destroyed much of this civil infrastructure by bombing it. Same thing in the West Bank.

The "Palestinian" people are as leaderless now as they have ever been


They are regarded by you and the likes of you as just bricks in the wall, pawns in the game, to be kept in poverty and misery purely for the benefit of a political agenda.

This is pretty laughable, Teribus, and it shows how desperate you are to try to score points. It's the Israelis (with the help of people like you) who are keeping the Palestinians in poverty and misery. And it's people like you who are responsible for the deaths of all of the innocent civilians, both Palestinians as well as Israelis, that have resulted from the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and the former occupation and current stranglehold and bombardment of Gaza. People like you are not only keeping the Palestinians in poverty and misery, but also keeping the Israelis in fear and uncertainty.

The elected representatives of the "Palestinian" people have it in their power to improve the lot of their people, they always have had that power.

This is bullshit. Israel has only one goal with regard to the Palestinians, and that is to remove all of them from the land that they have lived on, worked on, and farmed for more than a thousand years. Israel will not leave them alone until they are all gone from that part of the world. Everything else they do is just clever sleight of hand to distract your attention from their real agenda.