The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92618   Message #1779107
Posted By: Teribus
08-Jul-06 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
The rather impartial question is asked once again:

"CarolC, the Palestinian Authority and various Palestinian NGO's have been receiving substantial aid from the EU for some considerable time (to the tune of $640 million per year) - What have they done with it?

In Gaza, since Israel withdrew what have those whose responsibility it is to look after the "Palestinian" population's best interests and needs done for those people? Built roads? hospitals? schools? Initiated any major Government/Local Authority infrastructure projects that would create employment? Please tell us about them.

Likewise tell us about similar enterprises that would benefit the "Palestinian" people that have occurred on the West Bank. I do actually think you will find instances in the West Bank but few if any sponsored by the PA or by Hamas."

By the way CarolC the above quoted figure amounts to about one third of what the Palestinian Authorities have received - care to explain what they have done with it. This amount of aid has flowed their way since about 1985 - Please tell us what did Tosser Arafat, his minions and successors do with all that money? Tell you one thing CarolC the "Palestinian" people never saw a penny of it, but by God you just take a look at the bank balances of "those in power", you know CarolC those who were supposed to be looking after the long term interests of the "Palestinian" people. Hells teeth woman it was exactly because of this corruption that Hamas was borne, and what have they done? They have followed directly in the feet of their predecessors.

By the way if anybody is interested in why I keep referring to the "Palestinian" people in inverted commas - Its because the "Palestinian" people were a modern day invention of Tosser Arafat. They are an invention that seemed to grip the modern day imagination, they have had conferred upon them the status of a nation, which has never existed until Tosser Arafat started to bilk them for every penny that they were worth in terms of international sob stories. And Tosser Arafat pocketed every penny, just like his mentor who originally spread the lie among the arabic population of the area geographically known as Palestine that the Jews were slaughtering arabs. It was a complete and utter lie, CarolC will not own up to the truth of that, but that is what kicked this whole thing off - Hey CarolC a LIE TOLD BY AN ARAB, THAT WAS BELIEVED BY THE ARABS -IT WAS A LIE NONE THE LESS.