The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92776   Message #1779110
Posted By: Lanfranc
08-Jul-06 - 06:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Liechtenstein tests new missile
Subject: RE: BS: Liechtenstein tests new missile
Plot Summary for
The Mouse That Roared (1959)

The Duchy of Grand Fenwick decides that the only way to get out of their economic woes is to declare war on the United States, lose and accept foreign aid. Peter Sellers, as the scheming Prime Minister of Grand Fenwick, plots with Peter Sellers, as the scheming Grand Duchess, to declare war on the USA, lose and get that foreign aid. Unfortunately, they forget to tell Peter Sellers, as Tully Bascombe, commander of their mediaeval army.They send an invasion force to New York (armed with longbows) which arrives during a nuclear drill that has cleared the streets. Wandering about to find someone to surrender to, they discover a scientist with a special ultimate weapon that can destroy the Earth. When they capture him and his bomb they are faced with a new possibility: What do you do when you win a war you meant to lose?

The best laid plans of mice and men ...

Life imitating art? Or history repeating itself?

Enough to make me watch the film again!
