The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78303   Message #1779143
Posted By: Teribus
08-Jul-06 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kilts
Subject: RE: BS: Kilts
Micca - 14 Feb 05 - 02:21 PM

Do you know why men in kilts wear a knife (Scian Dhu) down the sock?

Yes Micca I do:

Any member of a Clan be he Clansman or "Broken Man" of the Clan had the automatic right of audience with the Clan Chief. As assassinations were not uncommon it was considered reasonable for anyone going in to see the Clan Chief should be unarmed. But a Highlander could never be "unarmed" so he was shown into a room where he divested himself of all his weapons - with the exception of his "Skien Dhub" (Which literally translated means "Dark Knife" - "Secret Weapon") The Highlander would take this knife from its normal hiding place and put it down the top of his right stocking. In this way the Clan Chief knew where the man's only weapon was and the Highlanders right of being armed was maintained.

Now at these interviews the Clan Chief sat with a drawn sword on the table and latterly a brace of cocked pistols - so God help the poor bugger who went in there to have a chat with the Clan Chief and then felt the irresistable urge to scratch his right knee.

The sign of a Scot dressed in a Kilt with a Skien Dhub in the top of his right stocking is a sign of goodwill and peaceful intent.