The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92844   Message #1779471
Posted By: Jeri
09-Jul-06 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat's 'Stated' Goals
Subject: RE: Mudcat's 'Stated' Goals
Some people need to organize, and some people love anarchy. In most cases, I'm one of the latter.

I used to supervise an office full of people. On one occasion, I supervised a woman who supervized a couple of other people. One of these people was having a very hard time, because she needed to have rigid rules and complete control, and was telling him how to do every little thing. She eventually found another job where her organizational skills would be a benefit, but she'd done some damage and cowed the guy. He came to me with every little problem and asked what to do. The first time I answered, "It's YOUR program - what do you think you should do?" he was very uncomfortable, because he was afraid of giving the wrong answer. Time passed, and I supported him. I vetoed only the truly harmful ideas, and the ones I simply didn't like I still did everything I could to help him with. He frequently succeded with the ideas I didn't like as the ones I did, and I learned something. Hopefully, he's off somewhere giving other people chances to shine.

The point is that people who like organization frequently see the lack of concrete stucture - detailed rules, mission statements, etc. - as an oversight, an accident, and a void to be filled. In my case, in that office, that's exactly how I wanted it. I believe it's how Max wants Mudcat to be, too. It's in the chaos, the unformed 'anything-could-happen', with all of its nebulous space between the constantly moving and changing points of 'what is', that magic happens.

Plus, people are never going to agree on anything around here. Especially those who don't even want to discuss this or haven't arrived yet.