The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92861   Message #1779838
Posted By: harpmaker
09-Jul-06 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: world cup
Subject: RE: BS: world cup
I could not agree more G, its a farse, the whole thing is driven by hype and money.
So the world cup was decided by penaltes, what a joke.
So you could simplyfy future WC'ps by bringing all the nations together,and deciding who's the winner by just having penalty shoot outs. I know Its mad, but the whole thing just does not add up.
Now there talking about vidio survailance in all games, and involving the police after ZZ's head butt. Where will it all end?
As I said, its a farse.

Its worth pointing out that rugby has none of these problems.