The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17864   Message #177984
Posted By: MudGuard
14-Feb-00 - 04:34 AM
Thread Name: HTML Pracise Feb00
Subject: RE: HTML Pracise Feb00
To get accented letters, it is better to use the html symbolic characters, as these are interpreted by the browser (so they work even if the computer the page is viewed uses a different character set than the one where the page is written):
&<one of aeiou><one of acute, grave, circ, uml, ring>;
&aring; for å
&eacute; for é
&iuml; for ï
&ograve; for ò
&ucirc; for û
Careful: while HTML is usually case-insensitive, with these it is!

ring does only work for a and A, all the others work for all five vowels, small or capital.
acute and trema also work for y and Y.
uml, tilde, cedil, acute also work without a vowel, but not grave (why? I don't know!)

&Aring; for Å
&Euml; for Ë

There are more of these symbolic characters:
&amp; for &
&quot; for "
&szlig; for ß
&gt; for >
&lt; for <
&copy; for ©
&reg; for ®
&acute; for ´
&aelig; for æ (also for AE)
&laquo; for «
&raquo; for »
&iexcl; for ¡
&iquest; for ¿
&Atilde; for à (works also for a, n, N, o, O)
&Ccedil; for Ç (similar for c)
&Oslash; for Ø (similar for o)
&sect; for §
&para; for ¶
&micro; for µ
&brvbar; for ¦
&plusmn; for ±
&deg; for °
&darr; for ↓ (d for down, u for up, l for left, r for right, h for horizontal (both left and right))
&frac14; for ¼ (also works for 12,34)
&times; for ×
&divide; for ÷
&bull; for •
&middot; for ·
&sup14; for ¹ (also works for 2 and 3)
&shy; for ­
&macr; for ¯
&cent; for ¢
&pound; for £
&yen; for ¥

You can also use (most of ?) the greek alphabet, just use &<name of greek letter>; (e.g.: &alpha; for α, &Gamma; for Γ) If you use a small letter as the first letter, you will get the small greek letter; if you use a capital as first letter, you get the capital greek letter.

There are also a lot of mathematical and a few other symbols which I'd have to look up, as I do not use them very often.

Btw., this is one point where internet Exploder is better than Netscape Navigator: Netscape does not interprete all these symbols...
