The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92045   Message #1780100
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
10-Jul-06 - 03:28 AM
Thread Name: Priddy Folk Festival (UK)
Subject: RE: Priddy Folk Festival (UK)
nice location though. Food was decent for change - most festivals seem to hand the food contracts over to the local poisoner/extortionist. I saw some ladies having to queue for the toilet. They need more toilet facilities than men. they had the same.

it was quite weird, there did seem to be a lot of singers (some of them pro) kicking round looking for something to do. there were easily enough singers around to support another club tent. As you say, a more 'turn up and sing' sort of thing.

I think they were trying hard. I saw some great singers and dancers and I take your point about the trad thing. But I think this is in someway a reflection of how the folk revival is going. Some very strong artists are emerging with a decidedly contemporary feel - like No Fixed Abode, and Kirsty McGee and Matt Martin. And it is good that they used their strong local artists - like Kevin Brown and Pete Quin.

Not all the artists were to my taste, but they were all enthusiastically received by the audience, and you can't argue with success. sometimes you feel like it.

Beautiful weather - they could have done with a professional ice cream van.