The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92686   Message #1780409
Posted By: breezy
10-Jul-06 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: Bull, Barton, Beds - July06 things
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - July06 things
ah The lead clapper is back in town,

How were the little uns on the I -o- W any sick on the bus?

i had a party of 30 kids from stevenage flying out to Canada and yes. one of them chundered, thankfully nowhere near my seat

he got round of applause as he eventually emerged - palish- from the little cubicle at the back, giving a very brave thumbs up to his travelling - non-chundering - companions.

the accompanying teacher was flying on a stand by ticket coming back and was able to sit in busuness class. I did offer to swap so she could be with her pupils but she politely declined my offer.
Theres responsibility for you !

see you sunday for harvey then

ice creams are a good idea, you can have the franchise for hot dogs too, club want 10% of gross takings, deal?

better still,

real ale ?