The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75099   Message #1780440
Posted By: Teribus
10-Jul-06 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who's Next? Iran or Korea?
Subject: RE: BS: Who's Next? Iran or Korea?
Little Hawk, post World War II there only ever has been one proven "aggressor" on the Korean Penninsula and that was North Korea.

The North Koreans and their Chinese Allies and Soviet Russian "Advisors" were driven back by Allied Forces operating under the auspices of the United Nations. No Peace Treaty has ever been drawn up or signed, instead a "Ceasefire Agreement" remains in place.

In what way has the United States of America been "openly hostile" towards North Korea? That the President of the United States of America thought of countries such as Iraq, Iran and North Korea as representing an "Axis of Evil" has more or less been borne out by events and revelations brought to light by the exposure of Dr.A.Q. Khan's activities. What was said was not openly hostile it was merely stating fact. The people of North Korea are under far more serious threat from their own Government than they are from anything external to their own country.

By the bye LH, the long range missile they tested, you know the one that failed to be "gathered" to test course and prematurely exploded. I am fairly certain that this was not supposed to happen, and whether it exploded due to technical malfunction or by command detonantion, it would still, under most "normal" circumstances and range safety rules be classified as an undesireable "near miss" incident. Therefore don't be so astounded that the fact was reported that there were no injuries or damage caused.