The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91369   Message #1780482
Posted By: gnu
10-Jul-06 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Football World Cup 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Football World Cup 2006
Re "limbs flailing rage of Rooney"... IF that was in regard to pushing Renaldo, rather gently I might add, I agree that Rooney should have kept his composure, even when a fellow teammate, a friend, falsely accused him of doing something intentionally. However, I don't understand why Renaldo was not carded. Running up to a ref and yelling and gesturing that a ref has made a bad call is not a yellow? Sure as hell was in a number of other instances.

IF "limbs flailing rage of Rooney" was in reference to stepping on buddy's nuts, I have watched it in slo-mo a number of times. Off balance, falling forward, and trying to regain one's footing is hardly the time to orchestrate a kick in the nuts. IF I am incorrect and he ACTUALLY "DID IT", well, sign him up for a bonus, because anyone that talented deserves more money.