The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92045   Message #1780492
Posted By: BB
10-Jul-06 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: Priddy Folk Festival (UK)
Subject: RE: Priddy Folk Festival (UK)
I agree with Carole - it would have been better with a few informal but programmed singaround-style events. But I also agree with Tom - the organisation was brilliant, and all the staff, stewards, etc. seemed to be unfailingly helpful and cheerful. I quite liked the fact that there was a huge range of styles, whatever my personal tastes - and lots of young and relatively new folkies, all enthusiastic about what was going on. There did seem to be rather too many guest artists, some only there to do a 45 min. spot in the whole weekend, but it was good to have time to socialise as well as work.
