The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92618   Message #1780531
Posted By: CarolC
10-Jul-06 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
robomatic, I have stated my support for Israel within the 1967 borders many dozens of times. If you refuse to read what I post, that is not my responsibility, and it is probably an indication of a purposefully selective memory, as well as the fact that you only recognize things that support your own preconceived views.

I think the quote attributed to Golda Meir is thought provoking rather than racist. It goes along with a quote from a member of an Arab death squad indicating that Jews loved life more than any other people.

It's racist, because it makes a defamatory generalization against a whole group of people.

That quote alone does not justify labeling Meir as a bigot and racist. I think she was neither of those things. She was the opposite of those things. Particularly, CarolC, when in the past you have found Gamal Abdel Nasser, a terrorist dictator, a fitting model for your quotes against Israel.

I'm not going only by that quote for my opinion that she was a bigot and a racist. I'm also going by the legacy of her words and actions.

Possibly you are deliberately misunderstanding the quote as you apparently misunderstood my indication that you do not believe Palestinians are human beings.

Nope. Any time I see or hear someone making defamatory generalizations against whole groups of people, I consider the source of such generalizations to be bigoted racists. An example of this is my agreement with Peace in this thread that the quotes he provided coming from Palestinians are also bigoted and racist.

You clearly don't believe Israelis are human beings. You are turning all of them into symbols that you are labeling 'good' and 'bad'

This is a lie, and you cannot provide any support for it from my posting history.

and using skewed interpretations of all quotes and events to justify your preconceived views

Just because you happend to think they are skewed, doesn't mean they are. And just what are my "preconceived views"?

as you are choosing some pretty solid citizens (Golda Meir, Thomas Friedman)

Again, opinion, and not one that is supported by any facts.

to decry and some pretty disgusting characters (Yasir Arafat, Gamal Abdel Nasser) as exemplars of truth and moral suasion.

Opinion. And one that is skewed by preconceived views as well.

Not that I'm calling you a Nazi. I am not. However, your methods of interpretation are precisely those used by Nazis to justify what they already believe.

You might have a valid point if you were telling the truth about my words and activities. But you are not.