The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1780559
Posted By: Bobert
10-Jul-06 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
From an article written by Michael Schere entitled "Anatomy of an unnatural disaster" who was writting after an extensive interview of Eric Tolbert, a former top disaster official in the Bush administration:

"FEMA is not the only agency that found itself bled of required funding by White House decisions after the terrorist attacks off Swept. 11. Shortly after the atatcks, the Army Corps of Engineeers found itself facing deep cuts in funding for the largest flood control and drainage program in the New Orleans area. In the first full budget year after the attacks, the Bush administartion funded the Southeast Lousiana Urban Flood Control Project, or SELA, at only 20 percemt of the Corps' request of $100 million. IN fiscal year 2004, the White House funding came in at 17 percent of the request."

Wow, GUEST... Tthis is the way a former top Bush disaster guy sees it???

